Adults and teens do things and act differently, and their usage of social media is no different.
According to a recent study, results have revealed that more teens use Facebook than adults do. Teenagers are also leading in the usage of Twitter, while adults are more inclined to use Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr.
Predictably, teens use social media than adults, while the studies finding reveal that teens are attracted in the more recognized social networks than the newer networks like Instagram and Tumblr. Remarkably, adults in their 20s are using social media than teens.
Want to see more? Have a look at the infographic to see how adults and teens rank up when it comes to using social media.

As clearly shown above Social media is usaged by all age groups. The only difference is the preference of social media different age groups choose to engadge in. Web Theoria’s social media marketing specialists can assist you build your social media image and strategy in order to effectivly promote your business or services to the correct target market.
Contact us to see how a Web Theoria custom social media solution can help you today.
Published on September 07, 2016