Some may wonder what Content Marketing actually is and how it helps with marketing campaigns, well the easiest and most common explanation is:

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Additionally, adding new, valuable and relevant content are important steps for your business to be successful. It also helps with engaging the right crowd, boosts your search engine rankings and ultimately enhances the strength of your brand. But due to the competition in this field, you need to be consistent and work on getting it right. Many businesses focus on this field of marketing as a core strategy.

How do you expand your business with content marketing? Let’s get right into it.

Build Reputation and Attract the Right Crowd

It’s usually best to target smaller audiences that will consistently convert rather than have a large audience that ends up being just a massive group of visitors who simply don’t convert.

Customers are likely to visit your site and even add one of your links to their site if your content is attractive to their eyes, fresh and valuable. Crowds that find your websites content useful and unique, will be attracted more often and get others to visit your site too.

Building a reputation improves visibility and visibility means more people will remember your brand name. By delivering regular and quality content, your brand gains authority on that specific niche or subject and this provides trust which acts as the main factor for customers to purchase and allow for conversions to be made.

Loyalty Produces Sales

Being smart with how your content is written – well-written and high-quality content – boosts potential customer’s confidence and loyalty in your brand. These individuals remain satisfied and interested when they have valuable and relevant content at their disposal. When potential customers follow you, continue to provide them with valuable content so that they keep coming back on a regular basis.

SEO Enhancement

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Some people think that content marketing does not need SEO (Search Engine Optimization), but the truth is SEO and content marketing are a duet and must go together.

The fact of the matter is, SEO needs content in order to work successfully Content must be used strategically on your website or blog in order to rank high in search engines.

Social Distribution and Promoting your Content

Distribution needs to be a critical element of every content marketing campaign and this requires, time and money to find, develop and nurture the right audience.

Two key ways to promote your content is through organic means and paid means.

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Organic Promotion

The organic route is basically the distribution of optimized content that will appear in the search engine result pages, it’s free but you need to invest time into the process. So you could say it’s not entirely free, but you will not pay any external digital entities like social ads, promoted posts or tweets.

This type of distribution builds strong credibility, not so much in retweets or social likes from experts in the industry because these types of social content tend to sink down fast. On the other hand, mentions (@ or links back to your website) in content like blog posts and articles from recognised names, declare you as a credible source and this is like gold in the digital world.

Another example of organic promotion is the newsletter. Newsletters are a form of organic content distribution which is distributed to loyal customers, potential customers and readers via mail. Newsletters usually consist of one main topic of interest to its readers.

Paid Promotion

On the contrary, paid promotions of your content could be any type of ads, especially Google Ads which are easier to approve and easier to distribute without the need for negotiations with third party websites.

Advertising platforms allow you to promote your content to specific audiences, attract qualified leads and grow your customer base and this is something you must pay for.

Some other ways of paid promotion can be done via social media platforms like Facebook, Google Ads, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and many more.

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Recognise and Align your Goals to Desired Outcomes

When creating content for your campaign, you should be aware of why you’re doing it from a business point of view.

Ask yourself a few reasonable questions like, is it awareness you’re looking to build? Are you looking to increase the rates of purchase from retained customers?

If you plan to build awareness, share your content with key influencers, those who have large crowds of following, via their social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter, platforms that you know your audience frequently visits.

If you plan to keep the customers you already have and simply convince them to purchase more, offering up fresh and rich content that’s educational about key features or functions related to your product and work to deepening their connection with your brand.

By recognising your goals, you will develop and execute your content marketing campaign more effectively.

Grant your Customers Unique Angles

As you know, customers are surrounded by almost infinite amounts of data in this digital age, so you need to find a way to stand out.

One way this can be done is by essentially giving them a unique reason why they should turn to your business instead of looking at your competitors. But how can this be done?

This can be done by using valuable, relevant and insightful content to position your business as a major leader in your field of expertise. Given that you do it and implement it correctly, content marketing is designed to work for this very purpose. This strategy will allow you to stand out from the rest and draw attention to your company.

For instance, there are companies around the world that source freelance tech talent and offer blogs aimed at developers. Developers themselves provide the content for the blogs, which in turn allows these companies to create insightful content from the talent their client companies are searching for. This ultimately builds confidence among clients, knowing that they are getting quality products working with these companies.

Bringing it back to your own business, in the same way, try combining your expertise with your services to provide unique angles or insights to your audience and become a leader in your field.


Content marketing looks promising for the future especially for companies that use it wisely. Using our digital web design agency’s guidelines for your approach to using content marketing effectively will boost your company’s performance and overall ROI.

Published on August 29, 2019